Benefit from travel

Here we go, Life is not an easy, Allah s.w.t says in the Quran "Verily with every hardship Comes ease Q:S 94:6."

Experience is the best teacher , hence more mistake is more you learnt, it is okay if you made a mistake , it’s mean you learning and improving.Start by Flight Tickets searching , we are using internet as a source of searching, reading others itinerary, reading blogger notes and try to get the cheaper flight tickets.

Relaxation mind 
Travel activity will be able to get your mind relax and this is a good therapy. Look at the environment and nature giving you sensation of relaxation feelings. Please ensure the place have special attractions. 

Far we go more knowledge we have known then 
For an example Attraction of London is Hackney carriage. May be you have seen in television but live seeing most interesting , Before this just in the cartoon series , tv series but in London we can see the Hackney live as like as it was 1621.Yeah, 1621 it was in the 17’s century and during the legacy of British.  The visual of 17’s Century for me is like dynasty of war and revolution. If not forgotten they are facing revolution in industries.

Think life in different ways
Travel is for looking up yourself and Allah S.W.T, recognize yourself towards giving your effort and service to them (The Place you decided to travel), if you have a chance getting married in their place (oversea) is something we call it Bonus. The great bonus is passed away in the place of them with name of Islam. InsyaAllah. (God’s Will) 

Will be more creative and innovative 
There are some tips for traveler must know, Please ensure your Bank Card is activated outside country you going to be visited, Activation must be refer Bank. This is an alternative way neither nor cash.Machine activation or counter activation, Service teller marketing will contact you soon. Internet Banking must be activated too. Easy to be made payment in emergency. 
They will ask you, country you will travel? How many days you stay there? Date of travel? If activation not activate, we can’t proceed any transaction in the countries we travel. Please ensure ATM machine in country you visited have ATM Plus logo and Symbol. 

Build up individuals self confident  
Umar Al khatab lead Islam and giving win from Mecca, medina, Syria, Iran , Paris and Rome. Did you read the story? Please be started if you never read and never know about the legend of Umar Al khatab. Don’t let people think Muslims is low class levels. Start reading Quran consistently and don’t forget read the translation. In Europe they read the Quran as a reference, once upon a time Umar Al khatab is a good person in speech and debate. The issue is how to be a good debater if you don’t have ideas? Because lack of knowledge.Knowledge automatically will build up individuals inner self confident.  

Spreading the message of Peace
Phenomena of terrorist and anti-Muslims nowadays in Europe country is a something that we have to get it right and don’t let media giving the wrong information about Islam. We have responsible to get it right. Good Luck travelers don’t stop moving and don’t stop shake hand when we meet up in wherever we are. We are forwarding the message of salam. 

Looking at the world in the other angle and perspective 
Did you know about the Ummayyad Caliphate? The Ummayyad caliphate was the seventh largest empire. During that time islam come to europe , they have in Spain, Morroco , Rome , and more.Hence we will get more information from the place we have been visited.  


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